Splitting a Dataframe by Cluster

As part of an assignment for a course I’m taking on the Applications of Mixed Models, we were asked to partition a multi-level dataset into two components: a training and a testing set. In most applications, this is rather straight-forward, since we can just randomly sample half of our subjects and assign them to the training set, and allocate the other half to testing the model (e.g. using the split command, or daply from the plyr package). However, in mixed models, it is slightly more complicated. As Snijders and Bosker point out, “since the two subsets should be independent, it would be best to select half the schools [the level 2 clustering variable] at random and use all pupils in these schools for one subset, and the other schools and their pupils for the other” (2012, p. 126). In this post, I explain a function in R that allows us to split a dataframe into these two components.

This function, splitdfbygp (for split dataframe by group), takes four arguments: df, a dataframe; group, the name of the grouping variable (e.g. “school”); prop, a value between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion for the split (defaults to .5 for a 50/50 split); and seed, where the user can supply a seed value in case they want the case selection to be replicable. The function is as follows:

splitdfbygp <- function(df, group, prop = .5, seed = NULL) { 
     if(missing(group)) stop('Level 2 grouping variable required.') 
     if(prop > 1.0 || prop < 0.0) stop('Split needs to be between .00 and 1.0')
     if(!(group %in% colnames(df))) stop('Grouping variable needs to be a column within the dataframe.')
     if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
     gp <- df[, group]
     ugp <- unique(gp) 
     index <- 1:length(ugp)

     trainindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index) * prop)) 
     ugp <- as.data.frame(ugp)
     trainind <- ugp[trainindex, ] 

     trainset <- df[df[,group] %in% trainind, ] 
     testset <- df[!df[,group] %in% trainind, ]

     invisible(list(trainset=trainset, testset=testset))

Testing the function:

First, obtain the datasets for Snijders and Bosker’s book from this link.

mlbook_red <- read.table("mlbook2_r.dat", header=TRUE) # Load the data. 
head(mlbook_red) # Included variables - "schoolnr" is level 2.

split <- splitdfbygp(mlbook_red, "schoolnr", seed=83)
str(split) # Resulting object is a list with two components.
lapply(split, head)

training <- split$trainset
testing <- split$testset

unique(training$school) # School IDs in training dataset.
unique(testing$school) # School IDs in testing dataset.
length(unique(training$school)) # 105 schools.
length(unique(testing$school)) # 106 schools.

And there you have it! A dataframe split into training and testing datasets, adhering to the independence of schools rather than of pupils. Many thanks to Phil Chalmers for his assistance in tweaking the above code.

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